Digital accessibility
The implementation of article 47 of the law of 11 February 2005 on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities stipulates that all government online services must be accessible to all.
The Wizcare website has been designed to be accessible to as many people as possible, particularly those with disabilities.
This means that all Internet users must be able to access all the content on the site without their disability constituting an obstacle.
In order to be usable by people with disabilities using different browsing methods (browsing without a mouse or keyboard), specialised software or hardware (voice reader, Braille display) or requiring customisation of the site display (enlarged characters, quality of contrast), the site complies with the recommendations of the RGAA (General framework for improving accessibility)
In order to maintain this high level of quality, the Wizcare teams continually monitor accessibility standards when updating the site.
Digital accessibility standards include the following conditions:
- font sizes can be enlarged or reduced
- images must be accompanied by alternative text where necessary
- language changes are indicated
- titles are set at several levels
- tables are accessible to voice readers
- it is possible to navigate this site without using the mouse, using tab navigation
- colour contrasts are sufficiently strong or can be modified
- the pages are correctly structured and uniform, both in terms of graphics and editorial line
- forms are accessible from any medium (desktop, tablet, mobile phone)
- the layout of the site is separated from its content by the use of style sheets. The use of CSS positioning properties, by completely separating presentation and content, enables documents to retain a consistent order outside CSS: title, menus, content, etc.
- The HTML code used to build this site complies with W3C recommendations and has been tested using the consortium’s HTML validator.
Wizcare's accessibility policy
Wizcare is committed to respecting digital accessibility in general and the RGAA (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité) in particular. In order to comply with the expectations of the French government’s interministerial directorate for digital information and communication systems (DINSIC), the Wizcare site is basing its compliance on version 4.0 of the RGAA.
To enable its various services to take full account of this accessibility requirement, Wizcare has carried out a number of actions:
- awareness-raising and training for its staff and service providers
- taking accessibility into account throughout the design process
- the creation of a best practice guide
- the current appointment of an in-house accessibility officer
Compliance status
The Wizcare site is partially compliant with the RGAA version 4.1 general accessibility guidelines. An internal audit has been carried out on the site, but Wizcare has been designed to be accessible to as many people as possible, particularly those with disabilities.
Non-compliances and possible derogations are listed below.
Content not subject to the accessibility obligation
- Third-party content that is not funded or developed by the organisation concerned and is not under its control (e.g. online framework and YouTube player)
- Files available in desktop formats
- Pre-recorded audio and video content, including content with interactive components
Non-accessible content
- Standard 1.2: Is each decorative image correctly ignored by the assistive technologies?
- Standard 3.1. In every web page, information should not be provided solely by colour. Is this rule respected?
- Standard 7.1. Is each script, where necessary, compatible with assistive technologies?
- Standard 8.2. For each web page, is the source code generated valid for the type of document specified?
- Standard 8.9. In each web page, the tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
- Standard 10.3: In each web page, is the information still comprehensible when style sheets are disabled?
- Standard 12.4. In each set of pages, can the “site map” page be reached in the same way?
- Standard 13.3. On each web page, is there an accessible version of each office document that can be downloaded (excluding special cases)?This
corresponds to approximately 10% of the RGAA Version 4.1 criteria which are non-compliant.